some nondescript title

Coming up on nearly a year since I posted in to this little space and I thought I was time (albeit with a shaken fist from my friend Lucy) that I started using this again.


How do you encapsulate a year? I think I will use the adjectives:

– fresh

– annoying

– settlement

– happiness


I think that these four words tip the iceberg that has been the most intense last year of my life- this sentence sounds like I am about to off myself…I am not. So the main foci I have had these last few months (screw the other months, I don’t have time to tell you about them) are my internship with my architecture firm I am working at casually and also the little side projects that I have done around the home.


The firm has made me realise the one thing that university never teaches you. Everything is too fucking expensive to use, unless you have a rich client. That and people want an arm and a leg for the cost of a finger. I think that this one is an interesting condition as I wonder weather it is a something brought about by the way in which people work in general or is it a condition that people want what they used to be able to get pre-GFC for the cost of a GFC based economy. Granted we are not in a recession nor never technically fell into one (thanks Gina Reinhardt…mole) but in the reality of it all, we did and still are really feeling it. So we have been limping along since and those in the field of architecture will know what I am talking about when I say limp. For example I had a brief and surprisingly candid chat to a director of a firm on the phone today whilst searching for work he said, “who even has work?”. His honesty in regards to the whole work situation was refreshing but also not something that I wasn’t aware of and to back my feelings up 1 out of 10 that I called might be a potential lead.


Perhaps the universities should be upping the ATAR scores, or at least be honest about job prospects post university.


I will write more in this blog from now on and I promise to not be Debby Downer every time!


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